Git and SVN (Subversion) are both version control systems, but they have some fundamental differences. Here’s a comparison between Git and SVN:
Git | SVN |
1) It’s a distributed version control system. | 1) It’s a Centralized version control system |
2) Git is an SCM (source code management). | 2) SVN is revision control. |
3) Git has a cloned repository. | 3) SVN does not have a cloned repository. |
4) The Git branches are familiar to work. The Git system helps in merging the files quickly and also assist in finding the unmerged ones. | 4) The SVN branches are a folder which exists in the repository. Some special commands are required For merging the branches. |
5) Git does not have a Global revision number. | 5) SVN has a Global revision number. |
6) Git has cryptographically hashed contents that protect the contents from repository corruption taking place due to network issues or disk failures. | 6) SVN does not have any cryptographically hashed contents. |
7) Git stored content as metadata. | 7) SVN stores content as files. |
8) Git has more content protection than SVN. | 8) SVN’s content is less secure than Git. |
9) Linus Torvalds developed git for Linux kernel. | 9) CollabNet, Inc developed SVN. |
10) Git is distributed under GNU (General public license). | 10) SVN is distributed under the open-source license. |