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AnyLogic Collaboration With Microsoft Project Bonsai


AnyLogic North America announced a new collaboration with Microsoft. This relationship brings the deep reinforcement learning and machine teaching capabilities of Microsoft Project Bonsai to practical business applications.

“The integration with Project Bonsai enables AnyLogic to bring advanced artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to our world class business simulation platform without the need for Business Analyst and Engineers alike to become data scientists,” says John Yedinak, Managing Director at AnyLogic North America.

Cyrill Glockner, Principal Program Manager at Microsoft said, “We welcome AnyLogic to our growing portfolio of integrated simulators supported by Project Bonsai. Industrial Engineers are now able to use Project Bonsai to create intelligent processes and controllers without needing a background in data science or AI.”

The benefits of this collaboration include:

  • A jointly developed, easy-to-use connector that allows you to use AnyLogic models as simulators connected to Project Bonsai.
  • A simplification of the conversion of simulation models into learning environments that involves using the provided wrapper model, a customized AnyLogic model that has all the Project Bonsai connectivity requirements built into it. Using a simple drag-and-drop, easily convert a regular AnyLogic model into a Project Bonsai ready simulator.
  • The enablement of subject matter experts, even those with no AI background, to incorporate their expertise directly into an AI model and teach it how to solve real-world business problems.

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