Post Views: 115
Basic Database Usage
Query 1 => Display total number of row in a table where role id 2 ?
Query 2 => Display row detail which is trip published ?
Query 3 => Display total number of row in a table output 1,5,8…. ?
Query 4 => Display total row detail in a table use modal and table ?
This is modal use
$evariblename = madalname::all();
This is table use
$evariblename = DB::table(‘tablename’)-get();
Query 5 => Display all Trip detail with image and his Iternaries detail is published ?
Query 6 => Display Single field value whose id is passed in blade file ?
Query 7 => Display Single row using two method ?
$evariblename = madalname::find($id);
$evariblename = madalname::where(‘id’,$id)->first();
Query 8 => Display total number of row where email ?
Query 9 => Display trip detail with latest and also his iternaries, image which trip is published ?
Query 10 => Display trip detail who is login and also his iternaries, image which trip is publish and permission Approve?
Query 11 => Display trip detail with latest and also his iternaries, image which trip is publish and permission Approved?