Source – The Biden administration must prioritize and address all the ways that AI and technology can exacerbate racial and other inequities. Proponents of expanding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) often point to its potential to stimulate economic growth — increased productivity at lower costs, a higher GDP per capita, and job creation have all been touted as possible Read More
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
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Source – With advanced software, these companies are making cognitive computing accessible. Business applications of cognitive computing are gaining popularity rapidly. Cognitive computing technology combines machine learning, reasoning, NLP, speech vision, and human-computer interaction in a way that mimics the human brain to improve decision-making. This AI-powered capability has the potential to transform several industries, right from sales forecasting, Read More

Source – Innovation in artificial intelligence led to the evolution of smarter robots. A robot is a machine that is programmed by a computer. It is capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically without human intervention. A robot can be directed by an external control device, or the control may be inserted within it. Robots are created Read More

Source – Since the coronavirus pandemic took hold of our lives, virtual events have taken centre stage. With evolving time, virtual events are becoming the new normal, and AI is no longer something that business owners, marketers or organisers can afford to ignore. There is no denying that AI is proving to be one Read More

Source – How AI fights against financial criminals and money launderers? As criminal methodologies are growing more advanced, the fight against money laundering is becoming a huge challenge for all the financial institutions around the world. Therefore, it becomes necessary to put in AML (Anti-Money Laundering) measures. As AML requires to deal with a huge amount Read More

Source – Analytics Insight explains some reasons for India to lag behind the US and China in the AI race Being the second most populated country in the world, India is still lagging behind the US and China in the AI race, even in 2021. The US is positioned at the number one in Read More

Source – A UW Allen School team recently published an article in Nature Machine Intelligence finding models predicting COVID-19 diagnosis from X-rays are relying on shortcuts. Several research groups have developed artificial intelligence (AI) models to diagnose COVID-19 based on chest radiography, with the intention of increasing COVID-19 testing accessibility. When UW M.D. and Ph.D. students Alex Read More

Source – Artificial life may be labeled software, hardware, or wetware, depending on the type of media researchers work with Artificial life is devoted to the study and creation of life like structures in various media (computational, biochemical, mechanical, or combinations of these). A central aim is to model and even realize emergent properties Read More

Source – The building was designed by BSA Life Structures, an architecture firm based in Indianapolis, and construction is being done by Weddle Bros Building Group, a local construction company in Bloomington. The focus of the research at the new facility will be on robotics, health and social media, according to a press release from the Read More

Source – Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been redefining society in ways we have never anticipated. Technology is clinging to us in every walk of our lives, right from unlocking our smartphones to our day-to-day activities, online shopping, intelligent car dashboards, autonomous robots and so on. Though the concept of AI was first talked about Read More

Source – In this magical world of technology, if there is one term that has taken everyone by storm, then it has to be – Artificial Intelligence, without a doubt. Over the years, Artificial Intelligence, or AI as it is commonly called, has seen varied applications in every field possible – be it healthcare, Read More

Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) is eating the world, one boring, routine task at a time. From navigation apps using AI to crunch a bunch of data at a super-fast speed to determine the best and fastest route from A to B, or automatic spam filters and categorizations that make email more manageable, AI Read More

Source – How does cloud computing lead to improved healthcare outcomes? The Healthcare industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors with a CAGR of 5% from 2019 to 2023. This is due to issues like the spread of chronic diseases, the aging population, and more. In the healthcare industry, a huge amount of data is created Read More

Source – These are the top freelance jobs for Artificial intelligence professionals Artificial intelligence is gaining a lot of attention recently. Industries are implementing more AI solutions and tools because it enhances efficiency, reduces manual labor, and helps businesses earn better revenues simultaneously. In areas like medical diagnosis, speech translation, accounting, AI has outperformed humans in Read More

Source – Automation in artificial intelligence has an extensive effect on the economy. Industrialists and giant companies all over the world are further adapting to the idea of automation in artificial intelligence. In India, technological progress, is the main driver of growth of GDP per capita, allowing output to increase faster than labor and Read More

Source – AI applications are becoming the one-stop solution for diagnosing critical diseases Artificial intelligence and machine learning, are dominating every aspect of our lives. AI is used in various areas like healthcare, education, and defense. With the advancement of technology, better computing power, and the availability of large datasets containing valuable information, the use of AI and ML models Read More

Source – Many AI start-ups in MLops have been joining the field With technological advancements, AI applications have accelerated rapid growth as there is a huge demand for infrastructure and software that supports AI applications. Many start-ups have been joining this field of MLops. Here are 5 leading AI start-ups in MLops in 2021 Read More

Source – An overview on why Artificial Intelligence is a game-changer in the 21st century Being the most common and vibrant technical term in the 21st century, Artificial Intelligence has started reigning the world stage with its smart functionalities. There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is transforming the productivity and workflow of multiple industries across Read More

Source – Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is easily one of the biggest technology developments in the past few decades. Both exciting and limitless in its possibilities, it is opening the doors to all kinds of creative applications. What started out as a high-tech and seemingly unapproachable technology has now become mainstream, with people using it Read More

Source – Recently, Google AI has announced that the use of a machine learning system for rapid training to game-playing agents. This framework can be used by game developers to release human game-playing agents, who can efficiently focus on other priority duties to boost productivity. Google AI will provide an open-source library to show the techniques Read More

Source – Technologies like deep learning, machine learning, and natural language processing are the next transformational wave for video production, development, and broadcasting. Blistering progress, unparalleled success, and unmatched viability are just a few phrases associated with the infusion of AI across various industrial sectors. Artificial intelligence (AI) is at an important transition point in a Read More

Source – The implementation of Artificial Intelligence, into cybersecurity, may become one of the popular AI trends in 2021 to have a proper defense against cyberattacks from malicious hackers and ransomware gangs. But, these ransomware gangs are improving their techniques to reach a whole new level of cyberattacks from behind the curtains. The ransomware Read More

Source – INSTANCES OF ETHICAL DILEMMA IN THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE With the growing use of artificial intelligence, instances of ethical dilemmas are rising. ‘To be or not to be’- the ethical dilemma is a constant in human life whenever it comes to taking a decision. In the world of technology, artificial intelligence comes Read More

Source – Artificial intelligence is considered to be one of the most disruptive and successful technologies that exists today. Its potential to continuously evolve and enable innovations is now being leveraged by a spectrum of industries across the globe. Keeping in mind the significance of AI and its accelerated adoption, there has been a Read More

Source – As AI becomes more commonplace in business, organizations that wait for the technology to be perfected risk missing out on its benefits. Ilike imperfect things. I like my sweater with its holes at the elbows, that painting of mine that my cat walked over while it was drying, that source code I’m Read More

Source – Leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) is now commonplace in marketing. Tools, platforms, and services put sophisticated audience targeting and segmentation tools at marketers’ fingertips, making it easier than ever to connect your products and services to customers. As organizations grow more sophisticated in their adoption of AI, they can start to look beyond Read More

Source – Analytics Insight presents the Best AI Smartphones with their Unique AI features Smartphones, with an AI combo, are one of the biggest trends in the market today. AI has several uses on a handheld device, though the benefits are limited initially. Mobile manufacturing companies are competing to develop AI features for Smartphones according Read More

Source – Analytics Insight provides a glimpse at the Top 10 AI Trends you must know in 2021. It is very difficult to find out one industry, that has not adopted smart machines and models, integrated with Artificial Intelligence across the world. The world has embraced the amazing functionalities of Artificial Intelligence and machine Read More

Source – Artificial intelligence is using Automation of making Several human jobs obsolete. At present, global AI adoption and investment are soaring. Reportedly, 37 percent of organizations have deployed AI solutions. Analysts have forecasted that global AI spending will more than double over the next three years, topping US$79 billion by 2022. Almost two-thirds Read More

Source – Atos launches ThinkAI, its secure end-to-end scalable offering which enables organizations to successfully design, develop, and deliver high-performance AI applications. ThinkAI is for organizations using traditional high-performance computing that want to run more accurate and faster simulations thanks to AI applications, and also for those developing AI applications that need more computing power. High-performance Read More