Source – Digital transformation is bringing the world closer and is highly responsible for driving all activities within an enterprise. It is bringing agility into businesses and reducing the overall cost of some kind of ownership also. If we closely look into this phase of transformation, cloud technologies are the highest adopted technology stream in Read More
Category: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
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Source – A recent Cisco survey found that 39% of CISOs say their organizations are reliant on automation for cybersecurity, another 34% say they are reliant on machine learning, and 32% report they are highly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI). I’m impressed by the optimism these CISOs have about AI, but good luck with that. I Read More
Source – Despite having brought forth a revolution in application design and deployment, microservices can create profound, even critical, security and compliance problems. To meet microservices-based development and deployment goals, you are often required to step into new areas of application design, including areas that defeat many of the traditional mechanisms for securing applications. Just as Read More
Source – Doomsday theorists say Artificial Intelligence and the machines that use it will destroy mankind. While that may be a stretch, there is some merit in the argument that AI will surely challenge human thinking and behaviour – to what outcome, that remains to be seen. Take the example of a ride-hailing app – Uber, Ola Read More
Source – University of Washington professor Pedro Domingos shot to prominence after his book was seen on China president Xi Jinping’s bookshelf during the leader’s annual New Year’s Day greetings this year. SINGAPORE: Artificial intelligence: Two words that have been bandied about everywhere to seemingly give anything a shimmer of technological star dust. Looking for a Read More
Source – As technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning become more widely available and ubiquitous, they are having a real effect on payment processes. In less than two decades, the public has both become more aware and more comfortable with using technologies like machine learning and AI in their day-to-day life. There has also been a Read More
Source – Google has announced several ad tools built on Artificial Intelligence, aimed at helping marketers automate and develop effective advertising campaigns. The idea is to let AI finetune advertisements. The Google Ads tools unveiled at a Google Marketing Live event range from responsive search ads that use machine learning to mix, match and optimise Read More
Source – Researchers from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona and Carnegie Mellon University have developed a technique that could allow deep learning algorithms to learn the visual features of images in a self-supervised fashion, without the need for annotations by human researchers. To achieve remarkable results in computer vision tasks, deep learning algorithms need to Read More
Source – A recent survey by LexisNexis revealed that around 75% of lawyers recognise that the sector is changing faster than ever – yet only around one in five of those surveyed agree that their own firm needs to evolve. So, what’s behind this apparent paradox? Do 80% of the survey respondents really work for Read More
Source – Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two popular terms that tech companies cannot stop talking about. Everyone from Google and Microsoft to Apple, Samsung and Amazon are going big on AI. Besides smartphones, smart speakers, voice assistants, apps, connected cars, security surveillance, healthcare and customer support are other areas where AI is used. Machine Read More
Source – Understanding how a robot will react under different conditions is essential to guaranteeing its safe operation. But how do you know what will break a robot without actually damaging it? A new method developed by scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Read More
Source – Artificial intelligence and machines have become a part of everyday life, but that doesn’t mean we understand them well. Do you know the difference between machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)? If you’re hoping to use one or the other in your business, it’s important to know which one to focus Read More
Source – There are myriad issues facing the global patent system which, if not addressed, could lead to a decline in its use. Put simply, there is way too much data for humans to properly digest. In this month’s Clarivate Analytics guest piece, Ed White – director of IP analytics at the firm – argues that a Read More
Source – While AI and machine learning are often used interchangeably, machine learning is simply a way of achieving AI. Machine learning at its core is the ability of a machine or system to automatically learn and improve its operation or functions without human input, which is an essential element of any AI. Now, where Read More
Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) is being talked about more than ever before – for both good and bad reasons. While many see the potential for AI in areas such as medical advance, there are fears that jobs will be lost with more roles being automated as robotics become more advanced. Rohit Talwar is a futurist Read More
Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are variously portrayed as the future of our workplaces or the death of employment as we know it. Somewhere between those two extremes lies the reality. These emerging technologies will be core parts not just of technology strategies, but of how we deliver services across our businesses. Read More
Source – New Delhi: Artificial Intelligence (AI) may be a hot topic in tech circles, but its real benefits will be served when it has been truly democratized, making it available for each individuals. While we are not so distant from a personal AI butler, tech firms are already making efforts in that direction. The first Read More
Source – Artificial Intelligence is a concept that has a long tradition in the field of science fiction, popularized by Hollywood movies and iconic writers such as Isaac Asimov. However, IA has also received increased attention in recent years, following news of progress in the field and the prospect of new and tangible innovation, such Read More
Source – In a race to dominate the artificial intelligence (AI) space, Microsoft is bringing the power of AI to users and organisations through ‘Microsoft Cognitive Services (MCS).’ MCS is a collection of intelligent APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow systems to see, hear, speak, understand and interpret human needs using natural methods of communication. Read More
Source – In Serengeti National Park, there are 225 hidden cameras constantly photographing the creatures that roam this Tanzanian wilderness. To date, these camera traps have captured more than three million images. For a small team of scientists living in the park, it’s a treasure trove. Through Serengeti Snapshot, as the program is called, they’ve studied Read More
Source – A team of scientists at the California Institute of Technology have successfully created a DNA-based neural network capable of performing pattern recognition. TLDR: The researchers demonstrated that bio-engineered strands of DNA could be used to process data by exploiting chemical reactions. Basically, they made molecular smart soup, poured it into a test tube, and Read More
Source – As artificial intelligence advances there has been an increased push to incorporate it into defense technology. Recently, the Department of Defense ordered the creation of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, which will be a hub for AI research. The JAIC is not the first attempt to incorporate AI into the DoD, however. Project Maven, Read More
Source – Humans and machines are destined to live in an ever-closer relationship. To make it a happy marriage, we have to better address the ethical and legal implications that data science carry. Artificial intelligence, and in particular its subfields of machine learning and deep learning, may only be neutral in appearance, if at all. Read More
Source – There are limits to how accurately you can measure things. Think of an X-ray image: it is likely quite blurry and something only an expert physician can interpret properly. The contrast between different tissues is rather poor but could be improved by longer exposure times, higher intensity, or by taking several images and Read More
Source – If you believe the hype, then Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to change the world in dramatic ways soon. Nay-sayers claim it will lead to, at best, rising unemployment and civil unrest, and at worst, the eradication of humanity. Advocates, on the other hand, are telling us to look forward to a future Read More
Source – Australia’s top cyber spy says the world needs to think more about risks created by over-reliance on artificial intelligence so that people don’t “sleepwalk” into dependence on machines they don’t actually understand. In an rare public speech, Mike Burgess, Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate, also said spy agencies around the world – including Read More
Source – In an e-commerce store, if you want to buy a black kurti, you do the search and use a few filters such as size, style and material to find the apparel of your choice. This data then gets stored by the company and is used to improve customer experience subsequently. However, offline Read More
Source – When U.S. Special Forces entered Afghanistan in 2001, Facebook didn’t exist, the iPhone had yet to be invented, and “A.I.” often referred to an NBA star. Seventeen years later, American special operations forces continue to ride horseback in rural Afghanistan, but information technology has advanced rapidly. Recent breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) Read More
Source – Big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning are ruling the tech structure of most industries. We all know how Amazon combines a customer’s historical data and other customers’ data to power recommendations. Likewise, for Google, it’s not difficult to predict our preferences and interests. They make use of big data, analytics and machine Read More
Source – Throughout 2017 we saw how the enterprises have started taking Artificial Intelligence(AI) seriously, but even so, they are still yet to explore how to use it in their strategy activities and campaigns. This is eventually changing in 2018 as most of the enterprises have started taking steps to make AI a must-have Read More