Source – With the Telangana government declaring last year as the year of AI and numerous job opportunities in the IT sector, the scope for AI is growing. Hyderabad: Digithon, the digital entity of Telangana Information Technology Association (TITA), is starting an internship programme in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from July 12. Those clearing the course Read More
Category: Machine Learning
Machine Learning
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Source – RAILWAY AGE, JULY 2021 ISSUE: Reliable, real-time monitoring of in-service railcar components will enhance the potential for maintenance planning. BY ANISH POUDEL, PH.D – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR I (NDT); ABE MEDDAH – PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR I; AND MATT WITTE, PH.D – SCIENTIST, TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY CENTER, INC. Through the Association of American Railroads (AAR) Strategic Read More

Source – A new machine learning algorithm system uses predictive analytics to determine which transcription factors are active in individual cells. Scientists at the University of Illinois Chicago have introduced a new system that uses a machine learning algorithm and predictive analytics to find what transcription factors are most likely to be active in Read More

Source – Capgemini’s Project Marconi is using machine learning on a radio access network card using an Intel processor boosts spectral efficiency by 15 percent for low latency 5G applications European consultancy Capgemini has developed a machine learning framework that works with OpenRAN hardware to boost spectral efficiency in 5G cellular networks Project Marconi uses Read More

Source – Machine learning is gaining popularity across scientific and technical fields, but it’s often not clear to researchers, especially young scientists, how they can apply these methods in their work. Machine learning (ML), loosely defined as the “ability of computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed,” has become tremendously popular in technical disciplines Read More

Source – IT teams must work with managers who oversee data scientists, data engineers, and analysts to develop points of intervention that complement model ensemble techniques. Most managers feel euphoria when implementing a technology meant to enhance the workflow of a team or an organization. But they often overlook the details that help implement Read More

Source – For the restaurant industry, 2020 was a year marked by rapid innovation and adaptation amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the year, restrictions tightened and loosened across the country, forcing brands to adapt their business models at an unprecedented pace in order to survive. Now, in 2021, the industry’s focus is turned less Read More

Source – Companies everywhere are pouring resources into artificial intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning (ML) initiatives. Many technologists believe that apps “smartened” with A.I. and ML tools will eventually offer better customer personalization; managers hope that A.I. will lead to better data analysis, which in turn will power better business strategies. But which industries are actually hiring A.I. Read More

Source- The Department of Homeland Security has awarded funding worth $1 million each to Alakai Defense Systems and Physical Sciences Inc. to further develop their machine learning platforms to help improve the detection of explosives, narcotics, chemical agents and other threats as part of the second phase of the Small Business Innovation Research program. “Our impetus for developing Read More

Source – AI has now made it onto CEOs’ agendas. While the topic certainly isn’t new, CEOs have learned that the idea of AI is far simpler than its effective application. To get there, companies need to start with their business objectives and then use AI in ways that advance those objectives rather than Read More

Source – Algorithmia, a provider of enterprise machine learning operations (MLOps) software, has been selected by Raytheon Intelligence & Space, a Raytheon Technologies (NYSE: RTX) business to support the team’s development of the U.S. Army’s Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN) program. TITAN is a tactical ground station that finds and tracks threats to Read More

Source – IIT Madras has invited applications for a free online course called Introduction to Machine Learning on the NPTEL platform. The course, which is AICTE FDP approved, can be taken by senior undergraduate or postgraduate students pursuing their BE, MS, ME or even PhD. The course is 12 weeks long and will be Read More

Source – No wonder, data science has emerged out to be the most sought-after profession. Obtaining insights from data, as data science is rightly defined, has proven to be no less than a blessing in almost every sector that one can think of. Making the best of data is what data scientists are expected Read More

Source – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program recently awarded funding to two small businesses to develop non-contact, inexpensive machine learning training and classification technologies. Integrated machine learning platforms can significantly reduce time, redundancy, cost, and improve the accuracy in detecting threats such as explosives, chemical agents, and narcotics. “S&T Read More

Source – Last year, the scientific community built thousands of machine learning models and other artificial intelligence systems to identify COVID-19 on chest X-ray and CT images. Some researchers were sceptical of the results: were the models identifying COVID-19 pathology or were they instead making decisions based on confounders such as arrows and other medically irrelevant Read More

Source – he hype about machine learning (ML) is warranted. Machine learning is not just making things easier for the companies that are taking advantage of it. It’s also changing the way they do business. For example, machine learning is: Being used by financial institutions to quickly detect fraudulent activity Enabling healthcare practitioners to Read More

Source – The jury is still out on what makes Gen Z’ers tick, but while the research is still ongoing there is much evidence to suggest that a marketing strategy utilizing machine learning is exponentially more effective with the next generation. One thing is abundantly clear to every marketer worth his salt; Gen Z Read More

Source – There was a time when rent was estimated manually. You would need to know the worth of your property on the market before applying a percentage of that valuation as your rental rate. Oftentimes, this was not your final rate, and you would need to look around your neighborhood to see what Read More

Source – The telecoms industry needs machine learning to be able to process and regain control over what’s done with available data. The technology’s use cases in telecoms have shown great potential in assisting with anomaly detection, root cause analysis, managed services, and network optimization. As technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) become ubiquitous, it Read More

Source – Machine learning is everywhere. For example, it’s how Spotify gives you suggestions of what to listen to next or how Siri answers your questions. And it’s used in particle physics too, from theoretical calculations to data analysis. Now a team including researchers from CERN and Google has come up with a new Read More

Source – Xilinx today introduced the latest evolution of its Vivado Design Suite software, Vivado ML Editions, to help developers in the electronic design automation (EDA) sector leverage machine learning algorithms and techniques to bring greater efficiency to the design process. The EDA industry is dealing with trends toward lower-nanometer architecture with increasinging complexity Read More

Source – With so many advances in technology and analysis tools, it’s getting hard for traders to keep up. One of the highly discussed topics is machine learning. If you want to know where these two fields intersect, let’s first clarify what each of the terms means. How Does Forex Trading Work? Foreign exchange, or Read More

Source – Data annotation is the process of labeling data to make it easy for machines to access it. Why did humans start making machines? The immediate answer would be to make a mechanical and computerised model that works like humans. Yes, humans wanted machines to imitate whatever they do. The purpose of artificial intelligence is Read More

Source – Qandle aims to help organizations experience the advantages of next-generation technologies. Founded in 2016, the company now has about 3 lakhs of satisfied users and they have served more than 20 companies. The company functions from three locations in Delhi, Hong Kong, and London. Analytics Insight has engaged in an exclusive interview Read More

Source – ARLINGTON, Va. – Sensors experts at Raytheon Technologies Corp. will develop a new kind of camera and digital signal processing to enable electro-optical smart sensors for tactical military applications. Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., announced an $8.8 million contract Wednesday to the Raytheon Intelligence & Space segment Read More

Source – In a digital age, it only takes a few years for research into cutting-edge areas like predictive analytics modelling and artificial intelligence to find practical uses in everyday business contexts. Areas like general usability, user interface, and semantics that are changed to empower a broader cross-section of potential users. Business-focused users keen Read More

Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity was a popular topic at RSA’s virtual conference this year, with good reason. Many tools rely on AI, using it for incident response, detecting spam and phishing and threat hunting. However, while AI security gets the session titles, digging deeper, it is clear that machine learning (ML) Read More

Source – Learn how to use machine learning for more precise, statistically relevant, and scalable SEO competitor research (with tools, code & more). With the ever-increasing appetite of SEO professionals to learn Python, there’s never been a better or more exciting time to take advantage of machine learning’s (ML) capabilities and apply these to SEO. Read More

Source – Gary M. Shiffman, Ph.D. is the Founder and CEO of Giant Oak and Co-Founder and CEO of Consilient. He is the creator of GOST and Dozer. According to my company’s research, a full 25% of PPP fraud casesbrought by the Department of Justice could have been easily prevented. The fraud is so obviously clumsy that it Read More

Source – A closer look at how it offers the ability to go beyond typical predictive maintenance strategies. Industry 4.0 is transforming the manufacturing world as companies take advantage of new smart connectivity technologies to optimize their factories. In the next four years alone, these new technologies will help manufacturers and suppliers add nearly Read More