Source – The artificial intelligence market is predicted to triple in 2017, becoming a $100 billion industry by 2025. In order to stay competitive, companies are turning to new AI software and solutions in their business operations. For example, Google recently launched an AI-powered job search feature right on its search results page. As a small business owner who Read More
Category: Machine Learning
Machine Learning
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Source – The Chinese are pretty much on a tear lately, having announced a few days ago that they plan to achieve global dominance in AI by 2030. The Chinese have traditionally been “not so very good” when it comes to translating English, but have recently committed to changing that, perhaps, because they know it is an important Read More

Source – In an application filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office, Facebook is exploring the development of a `modular electromechanical device` (read smartphone) which will allow users to add different components onto a device. The modular device can incorporate a speaker, microphone, touch display, GPS and function as a phone, Business Insider reported Read More

Source – Part of Data Science, Machine Learning involves feeding data to algorithms which then detect patterns in the data and automate or assist decision making. Let’s see the options available in careers in Machine Learning. Who is it for? You can begin your career in Machine Learning if you are an engineer trained in Read More

Source – Known for delivering out-of-the-box, performance based strategies in the marketing and technology domain, Envigo has footprints in India and UK. Led by Saurabh Kumar, an alumni of National Institute of Technology, Karnataka and IIM, Ahmedabad, Envigo partners with over 90 clients world-wide, worked with more than 300+ brands so far, across 24 countries Read More

Source – Machine learning is going through something of a renaissance these days. It seems like there are new moves forward with this technology every day, from advances in image and sound recognition to lip reading and beating us at all the games. However, this renaissance has largely been funded by Silicon Valley. Companies are Read More

Source – The engineer in charge of keeping Google available 24/7 says the enormous datacenters that underpin online services worldwide will soon be run with the help of AI. Ben Treynor Sloss, Google’s VP of engineering, is basing this prediction on the profound savings identified by a machine-learning system charged with helping run a Google Read More

Source – Whhile much has been written about information technology companies investing in artificial intelligence, Loup Ventures managing partner Doug Clinton notes that many non-tech companies are capitalizing on AI technology as well. Clinton has put together a portfolio of 17 publicly traded non-tech companies that are making investments in AI to improve their businesses. Read More

Source – Machine learning is perhaps the hottest buzzword in cybersecurity today. The artificial intelligence technology is deployed by cybersecurity firms in an effort to keep pace with the evolution of cyberattacks, as machine learning algorithms are able to improve predictability the more it is used. But according to Guy Caspi, CEO of cybersecurity company Deep Instinct, Read More

Source – Although the field of machine learning has only recently reached mainstream notoriety, machines have been taught to learn and make predictions from data for decades. You probably already make use of some of its more established applications like email spam filtering, optical character recognition of scanned documents, and animated dog ears in Snapchat. Read More

Source – Google Analytics now has the same natural language processing technology available in other Google apps such as Photos and Search, the Internet giant announced on Tuesday. That means you can now ask questions in plain English, which gets you answers quicker than before. Depending on the question you ask, you will be presented with a number, Read More

Source – Machine learning isn’t new to the enterprise, but technological advances and accelerating investments have made it available to the average entrepreneur. In fact, according to a recent Forrester survey, machine-learning investments are increasing 300 percent this year compared to last year. Already, machine learning has made its mark in areas like self-driving cars, personalized-content Read More

Source – Let me introduce this cautiously entitled Editorial by first expressing how pleased we are to have engaged such a talented and productive group of experts on the use of “big data” in rheumatology. I am wholeheartedly enthusiastic about what we have already reaped from big data and firmly believe the greatest potential for gain in Read More

Source:- In recent months you’d be forgiven for thinking that media buying as a discipline is going to hell in a handcart, with Google itself being the latest to suffer the slings and arrows of programmatic media buying’s outrageous fortune. But instead of viewing recent events as some kind of advertising apocalypse, we should Read More

Source:- From personal assistants like Siri, to movie suggestions on Netflix, artificial intelligence (NYSE:AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in everyday life. As this technology continues to advance in capability and prevalence, we sought to explore AI and several closely related subtopics: machine leaning, deep learning, and neural networks. What are the Differences between Artificial Read More

Source – Imagine that tomorrow, some smart kid invented a technology that let people or physical goods pass through walls, and posted instructions for how to build it cheaply from common household materials. How would the world change? Lots of industries would probably become more productive. Being able to walk through walls instead of being Read More

Source – Machine Learning is becoming the only real available method to perform many modern computational tasks in near real time. Machine Vision, speech recognition and natural language processing have all proved difficult to crack without ML techniques. When it comes to hardware, the tasks themselves do not need a great deal of computational power; Read More

Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionise our lives, drive our cars, diagnose our health problems, and lead us into a new future where thinking machines do things that we’re yet to imagine. Or does it? Not everyone agrees. Even billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who admits he has access to some of the most Read More

Source – Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are not just tools for streamlining customer engagement. They represent an opportunity for companies to completely rethink how they build context around each individual, ultimately creating a better experience and a more loyal customer. By tapping into the potential of these new technologies, brands can cost-effectively enable and Read More

Source – Artificial Intelligence will have a profound impact on the IT industry. The Machine Learning algorithms and models that bring AI to the forefront get only better with data. If these algorithms can learn from existing medical reports, and help doctors with diagnosis, the same can be used to improve IT operations. After all, Read More

Source – loud computing leaders (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT) and Google, along with internet giants, have the inside track in monetizing artificial intelligence technology, a Mizuho Securities report says, but enterprise software providers also will grab a piece of the action. At a basic level, artificial intelligence is the use of computer algorithms to attempt to replicate the human Read More

Source – Google uses a clustering algorithm to automatically analyze Android apps and detect which ones can be considered intrusive, write Google security engineers Martin Pelikan, Giles Hogben, and Ulfar Erlingsson. Intrusive apps are those that require the user to grant a larger set of capabilities than what would be strictly required for their proper functioning. For Read More

Source – Having been at the forefront of machine learning since the 1980s when I was a staff scientist in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos performing basic research on machine learning (and later applying it in many areas including co-founding a machine-learning based drug discovery company), I was lucky enough to participate in the Read More

Source – Amazon Prime Day (APD) was a huge success, they say. At an estimate 60 percent increase in sales over 2016 and nearly $2 billion in revenue, it’s hard to argue otherwise. If you want to talk numbers though, let’s consider this. What would you say if you were told that Amazon could lose nearly Read More

Source – As companies continue to invest in big data, the issue is becoming less about the data itself, but rather how the data is used to create competitive products and services. According to Gartner, “Companies will be valued not just on their big data, but on the algorithms that turn that data into actions Read More

Source – When it comes to cybersecurity, the big data explosion represents both a liability and an asset. On the one hand, big collections of data represent a treasure trove that hackers would love to get their dirty little mitts on. But on the other hand, the capability to collect, store, and analyze huge reams Read More

Source – Tech giant Microsoft has released an iPhone app, including in India, that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help the blind and visually impaired see the world around them like never before. The free ‘Seeing AI’ app, can read out short snippets of text, describe people, identify products and currency denominations, and take a stab at Read More

Source – Two years ago, ARM decided to investigate the way in which its teams undertake hardware design. Using tools developed for cloud computing, the company now sifts through every result from the thousands of tests and simulations it runs on a daily basis in order to look for patterns. “RTL verification generates a lot Read More

Source – We all know that our smartphones are as powerful as desktop computers from a few years ago, and even supercomputers from a few decades ago—and now they’re on the verge of teaching themselves to become even smarter and more competent. Today, image-recognition AI company Clarifai debuted new software that allows mobile apps to do machine Read More