Source: A major depressive disorder (MDD) diagnosis could foretell impairments in reward-processing. A team, led by D. Chamith Halahakoon, MBChB, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, determined whether depression is linked to impairments in reward-processing behavior. While dysfunctional reward processing is a leading candidate mechanism for the development of certain depressive symptoms, including anhedonia, there has Read More
Category: Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning
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Source: A team of researchers from Facebook have recently developed a poker-playing AI that is capable of beating human players in heads-up, no-limit Texas hold’em poker. Called Recursive Belief-based Learning (ReBel), the general AI framework learns poker faster than any other previous poker-specific AI, using less domain knowledge, and researchers are claiming this with a supporting experiment. The Read More

Source: Juniper Networks on Wednesday announced it’s extending AI-driven insights to WAN and branch networks with a new cloud-based service called Juniper Mist WAN Assurance. Additionally, the company is introducing a new conversational interface to networking operations, enabling either IT teams or end users to more easily communicate with Marvis, Juniper’s virtual network assistant. Read More

Source: Pluralsight, the technology skills and engineering management platform, has announced a collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) that will help technologists enhance their machine learning (ML) skills. The collaboration features an AWS DeepRacer hub on the Pluralsight platform that includes a customised channel, curated by Pluralsight and AWS experts, for AWS DeepRacer content. Read More

Source: The economic inequality is increasing globally and is a growing concern because of its negative impact on growth opportunities, health and social welfare. Taxes are the primary tool that governments have to reduce inequality, however, find a tax policy that optimizes both equality as productivity is an unsolved problem. Tax theory is based on simplifying assumptions Read More
Source: UCLA Children’s Hospital is introducing new artificial intelligence to improve mental health during treatment. Children can be challenging when admitted to inpatient treatment in pediatric hospitals. Now a new AI robot, Robin, is helping them deal with it. Often, extended hospital stays can significantly affect mental health, especially in children separated from their parents for Read More

Source: In a study printed on the preprint server, DeepMind researchers describe a reinforcement learning algorithm-generating approach that discovers what to foretell and the way to be taught it by interacting with environments. They declare the generated algorithms carry out nicely on a variety of difficult Atari video video games, reaching “non-trivial” efficiency indicative of the approach’s Read More

Source: In a study published on the preprint server, DeepMind researchers describe a reinforcement learning algorithm-generating technique that discovers what to predict and how to learn it by interacting with environments. They claim the generated algorithms perform well on a range of challenging Atari video games, achieving “non-trivial” performance indicative of the technique’s generalizability. Reinforcement learning algorithms Read More

Source: In recent years, a growing number of researchers have been developing artificial neural network (ANN)- based models that can be trained using a technique known as reinforcement learning (RL). RL entails training artificial agents to solve a variety of tasks by giving them “rewards” when they perform well, for instance, when they classify Read More

Source: AnyLogic North America announced a new collaboration with Microsoft. This relationship brings the deep reinforcement learning and machine teaching capabilities of Microsoft Project Bonsai to practical business applications. “The integration with Project Bonsai enables AnyLogic to bring advanced artificial intelligence and reinforcement learning to our world class business simulation platform without the need for Business Analyst Read More

Source: The partners in the “Rob-aKademI” research project, including the Fraunhofer IPA and the Institute for Industrial Manufacturing and Factory Operation IFF at the University of Stuttgart, are developing technologies that are intended to simplify robot programming for assembly tasks and automate them more. The basis for this is a purely digital image, i.e. a Read More

Source: Developments in machine learning are significantly supporting QA Testing and Software Development process The advent of DevOps paves way for businesses to actively look for real-time risk assessment backed by machine learning algorithms throughout the various stages of the software delivery cycle. QA engineers face a plethora of difficulties in the juggle to find out Read More

Source: Machine learning (ML) has become a hot topic in the last few years, but what you may not realize is that the concept of machine learning has been around for decades. The design of machine-learning systems used to this day is based on the human brain model described by Donald Hebb in 1949 in his Read More

Source: Autonomous vehicles are developed with a wide range of self-driving capabilities. Some vehicles provide basic automation, like cruise control and blind-spot detection, while other vehicles are reaching fully-autonomous capabilities. Many of these capabilities are being made possible by AI technology. However, before talking about big scale deployments for smart city transportation, more work is Read More

Source: Artificial Intelligence (AI) environment has risen from data scientists to reach the boardroom as a pre-curser to digital transformation. Clayton Christensen, author of The Innovator’s Dilemma, a disruptive technology adds to the premise writing AI “enables new markets to emerge” to disrupts an existing market status-quo. The adoption path of AI needs a Read More

Source: For all the advances enabled by artificial intelligence, from speech recognition to self-driving cars, AI systems consume a lot of power and can generate high volumes of climate-changing carbon emissions. A study last year found that training an off-the-shelf AI language-processing system produced 1,400 pounds of emissions—about the amount produced by flying one Read More

Source: Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents seem to get smarter and more powerful every day. But while it is relatively easy to compare a given agent’s performance against other agents or human experts for example in video gameplay, it is more difficult to objectively evaluate RL agents’ robustness and their all-important ability to generalize to Read More

Source: When it comes to AI, much of the attention has been on deep learning. And for good reason. This part of the AI world has seen great strides, such as with image recognition. But of course, there are other areas of AI that look promising, such as reinforcement learning. Keep in mind that cutting-edge companies like Read More

Source: There’s no doubt that artificial intelligence continues to be swiftly adopted by companies worldwide. In just the last few years, most companies that were evaluating or experimenting with AI are now using it in production deployments. When organizations adopt analytic technologies like AI and machine learning (ML), it naturally prompts them to start Read More

Source: In a preprint paper this week published on, researchers at Intel describe Sample Factory, a system that achieves high throughput — higher than 105 environment frames per second — in reinforcement learning experiments. In contrast to the distributed servers and hardware setups those experiments typically require, Sample Factory is optimized for single-machine settings, enabling researchers to achieve Read More

Source: Smarter, faster AI, augmented data management and ‘X analytics’ are amongst the top technology trends for 2020, according to new analysis from Gartner. The analytics firm has released its top 10 data and analytics technology trends for 2020 that it says can help organisations prepare for a post-pandemic reset. “To innovate their way Read More

Source: Technology research group Gartner has identified its top 10 data and analytics (D&A) technology trends to help organisations prepare for a post-pandemic reset. According to Rita Sallam, distinguished research vice president at Gartner, “To innovate their way beyond COVID-19, data and analytics leaders require an ever-increasing speed and scale of analysis in terms of Read More

Source: A graduate student in the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Laboratory has received funding from Microsoft Research that will support his work in reinforcement learning and machine learning. Kianté Brantley, a fourth-year doctoral student in computer science, is one of only 10 graduate students in North America to receive a $25,000 Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant(link Read More

Source: Robots capable of the sophisticated motions that define advanced physical actions like walking, jumping, and navigating terrain can cost $50,000 or more, making real-world experimentation prohibitively expensive for many. Now, a collaborative team at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS) in Tübingen and Stuttgart, Read More

Source: AI is fast progressing in every field like healthcare, manufacturing, law, finance, retail, real estate, accountancy, digital marketing. Every field is being computational and becoming more advanced with some remarkable capabilities emerging these past years. Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the economy and career landscape with a wide range of diverse patterns from autonomous Read More

Source: From finding bugs to creating a tailor-made experience for gamers, AI, artificial intelligence, has been involved in the gaming industry since the olden days. Video games have remarkably changed and are getting smarter, thanks to the artificial intelligence. In the gaming industry, AI usually focuses on algorithm development which imitates human behavior. In Read More

Source: A team of researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore claim deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms — algorithms that have been used to predict the shapes of proteins and teach robots to grasp objects — are prone to adversarial attacks that can extract and replicate them, enabling malicious actors to “steal” them. In a preprint Read More

Source: DeepMind, the Alphabet-backed machine learning lab that’s tackled chess, Go, Starcraft 2, Montezuma’s Revenge, and beyond, believes the board game Diplomacy could motivate a promising new direction in reinforcement learning research. In a paper published on the preprint server, the firm’s researchers describe an AI system that achieves high scores in Diplomacy while yielding “consistent improvements.” AI Read More

Source: In a paper published this week on the preprint server, scientists at Google, DeepMind, the Alan Turing Institute, and the University of Cambridge propose Performer, an AI model architecture that scales linearly and performs well on tasks like protein sequence modeling. They claim that it has the potential to impact research on biological sequence Read More

Source: If you are a data scientist and wish to kickstart your career, learn in-demand skills, and connect to some of the best minds of the data science industry, then AIM Mentoring Circle is the perfect platform for you. It has always been a challenging task for data scientists to find good mentors, who can assist you Read More