Source: Data science is largely an enigma to the enterprise. Although there’s an array of self-service options to automate its various processes, the actual work performed by data scientists (and how it’s achieved) is still a mystery to your average business user or C-level executive. Data modeling is the foundation of this discipline that’s Read More
Category: Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning
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Source: Reinforcement learning has exceeded human-level performance when it comes to playing games. Games as a testbed have rich and challenging domains for testing reinforcement learning algorithms that start with a collection of games and well-known reinforcement learning implementations. Reinforcement learning is beneficial when we need an agent to perform a specific task, but to be precise, there is no Read More
Source: DeepMind this week released Acme, a framework intended to simplify the development of reinforcement learning algorithms by enabling AI-driven agents to run at various scales of execution. According to the engineers and researchers behind Acme, who coauthored a technical paper on the work, it can be used to create agents with greater parallelization than in previous approaches. Reinforcement Read More
Source: Reinforcement Learning has become the base approach in order to attain artificial general intelligence. The ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations) is one of the major AI conferences that take place every year. With more than 600 interesting research papers, there are around 44 research papers in reinforcement learning that have been accepted in this year’s Read More
Source: A classification algorithm for relational data that is more accurate, as well as orders of magnitude more efficient than previous schemes, has been developed through a research collaboration between KAUST and Nortonlifelock Research Group in France. The new algorithm, which uses an approach called reinforcement learning, demonstrates the power of machining learning techniques in Read More
Source: Revenue inequality is among the overarching issues of economics. Some of the efficient instruments policymakers have to handle its taxation: governments acquire cash from folks in line with what they earn and redistribute it both immediately, by way of welfare schemes, or not directly, by utilizing it to pay for public initiatives. However, Read More
Source: Artificial intelligence has become a well-recognised and frequently used buzzword. However, it means different things in different situations and as such can be tricky to define. Whilst most people think of AI as a technology in its own right, it’s actually more of a general term used to refer to a number of Read More
Source: Many of us are familiar with the concept of machine learning as it pertains to neural networks. But what about TinyML? Surging Interest in TinyML TinyML refers to the machine learning technologies on the tiniest of microprocessors using the least amount of power (usually in mW range and lower) while aiming for maximized results. With the proliferation Read More
Source: RL One is a long/short strategy that generates returns through deep reinforcement learning, a category of machine learning that reacts and learns from its environment by determining which decision will result in the highest risk/reward trade-off. The reinforcement learning model predicts optimal long or short exposure to the S&P 500 Index on a Read More
Source: At the present scenario, video games portray a crucial role when it comes to AI and ML model development and evaluation. This methodology has been around the corner for a few decades now. The custom-built Nimrod digital computer by Ferranti introduced in 1951 is the first known example of AI in gaming that used the game nim Read More
Source: The extension of the lockdown brought in social distancing, which not only impacted businesses but also shut down schools and colleges. This disruption has forced students, as well as working professionals, transition to online courses. The pandemic has also provided opportunities for data scientists to upskill themselves using online data science courses. Responding Read More
Source: The automatic operation and maintenance of optical network is important for ensuring information communication and network operation. The growing variety of services has forced operation and maintenance personnel to face tremendous operational pressure. A recent study has constructed a control architecture called intent defined optical networks (IDON) to cope with the issue. The Read More
Source: In a paper published this week on the preprint server, scientists at DeepMind introduce the idea of simple sensor intentions (SSIs), a way to reduce the knowledge needed to define rewards (functions describing how AI ought to behave) in reinforcement learning systems. They claim that SSIs can help to solve a range of complex robotic tasks Read More
Source: Recently, researchers at Alphabet’s DeepMind and the University of California, Berkeley proposed an AI framework for comparing child and AI agent behaviours and hence developing new exploration techniques. While developing a reinforcement learning agent, there are several questions related to the exploring behaviour that comes into the mind of researchers — how should an agent gather enough experience Read More
Source: What do companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Spotify and Lyft know that you don’t know? What do these companies have that you might be lacking? Sure, they had an initial idea. But we’ve all had good ideas. How did each of these new market heroes move from the seed of an idea to the Read More
Source: When chasing a bouncing ball, a human will head where they anticipate the ball is going. If things change — for example a cat swats the ball and it bounces off in a new direction — the human will correct to an appropriate new route in real time. Robots can have a hard time Read More
Source: There are almost all the websites over the internet which display ads. The companies who wish to advertise their products, choose these web places as a medium of advertisement. The challenge is that if the company has a range of advertisement versions, which among these versions can get the highest conversion rate, i.e. Read More
Source: There are almost all the websites over the internet which display ads. The companies who wish to advertise their products, choose these web places as a medium of advertisement. The challenge is that if the company has a range of advertisement versions, which among these versions can get the highest conversion rate, i.e. Read More
Source: In a technical paper published on this week, researchers at Facebook and Arizona State University lifted the hood on AutoScale, which shares a name with Facebook’s energy-sensitive load balancer. AutoScale, which could theoretically be used by any company were the code to be made publicly available, leverages AI to enable energy-efficient inference on smartphones and other edge Read More
Source: One of the popular AI research labs, OpenAI has been working tremendously in the domain of artificial intelligence, particularly on the grounds of neural networks, reinforcement learning, among others. Just a few days back, the AI lab introduced Microscope for AI enthusiasts who are interested in exploring how neural network work. And now the audio team of OpenAI Read More
Source: Reinforcement learning is one of the most happening domains within AI since the early days. The innovations are often ingenious, but we rarely see them in the real world. Robotics is one area where reinforcement learning is widely used, where robots usually learn novel behaviours through trial and error interactions. However, there are Read More
Source: As most workers in India make a harried transition to remote working amid Covid-19 lockdown, they are still getting acclimated to the modus operandi of freelancers. With only a handful of tools in their arsenal, freelance professionals master those tools, as a rule, to compete with full-time professionals as well as other gig Read More
Source: AI means different things in different situations and as such it can be tricky to define. Whilst most people think of AI as a technology in its own right, it is more of a general term used to refer to several different technologies that enable systems to act intelligently. When it comes to Read More
Source: Overview of Image and Video Compression Image and video compression enables you to deliver high-quality media with lower storage and bandwidth requirements. It reduces the size of files, making media easier to transfer and cheaper to store. To understand how this works, consider any image. Within the image there are many pixels that Read More
Source: With a lockdown to combat the deadly Coronavirus in place until 3 May, students and professionals have a lot of time on their hands. In order to make productive use of this time, several pupils are looking for resources to upskill themselves. After identifying this need of students, various platforms have come forward Read More
Source: AI Needs To Be On the Edge In the age of innovation, as data continues to grow, there’s a real need for data storage and data computation to be located on the device. Privacy, security, and speed are the biggest reasons that the distributed Edge model can work better in certain use-cases. When Read More
Source: Along with unsupervised machine learning and supervised learning, another common form of AI creation is reinforcement learning. Beyond regular reinforcement learning, deep reinforcement learning can lead to astonishingly impressive results, thanks to the fact that it combines the best aspects of both deep learning and reinforcement learning. Let’s take a look at precisely how deep reinforcement learning operates. Note that this article won’t Read More
Source: Our increasingly digitalised modern world produces more data in a wider variety of formats than ever before. Data science techniques allow us to process, analyse, gain insights and communicate results from this increasing volume of data. As part of our growth as a learning organisation, this is also a key area in which Read More
Source: Google is in the process of developing its own Pixel and Chromebook processors, reports Axios. The search engine has teamed with Samsung on a project called Whitechapel to make chipsets for its smartphones. The tech giant intends to release a handset powered by its new mobile CPU as soon as 2021, but its redesigned laptops won’t Read More
Source: Researchers from the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered a new way to increase the energy efficiency of smart computers. This comes during a time when there is an increased need for energy in order to process massive amounts of data, a result of newly developed Read More