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List of My Blogs Written in January 2024

S. No.Blogs Name with Link
1.How to install flywheel
2.What is a dev environment and its type?
3.What is Go and How Go Works & Architecture?
4.What is Codeigniter and How Codeigniter Works & Architecture?
5.Introduction to Blogging
6.Creating and Activating Your First WordPress Theme: A Step-by-Step Guide
7.How to set SSH key in window 10
8.How to install Git in windows 10
9.Top 50 Linux Commands for Users?
10.Top 50 Linux Commands for Administrator?
11.What Exactly Is A Plugin?
12.Difference between Plugin and Themes?
13.How to create a basic plugin that shows Hello World after every post or page
14.Create a plugin to always display and center the current post’s featured image
15.Top 50 Linux Commands for Securing a Linux Server
16.Top 50 Linux Commands for Troubleshooting Linux Server?
17.What is Hooks in WordPress and what are the types of Hooks?
18.Mastering Linux Network Troubleshooting: Essential Commands and Tips for Seamless Connectivity
19.How to Insert Database Using Command in Local XAMPP Server
20.Essential Linux Commands for Troubleshooting Performance Issues
21.Top 40 Linux Commands to Troubleshoot Network Issues
22.Crafting Seamless WordPress Themes: A Comprehensive Guide from Scratch
23.What are the essential theme files in WordPress?
24.Mastering Advanced Laravel Troubleshooting: A Comprehensive Guide for Resolving Application Issues
25.A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress Categories, Tags, and Custom Taxonomies
26.How to Install GD Graphics Library on Your Local XAMPP Server
27.What is authentication and What are feature of authentication?
28.What is symfony and What are feature of symfony?
29.What is .htaccess and What are feature of .htaccess?
30.What is T-SQL and What are feature of T-SQL ?
31.What is HTTP and What is top use cases of HTTP ?

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