Source – Signifying the growing popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI), global research firm Gartner has predicted that AI will be virtually pervasive in almost every new software product and service by 2020. Owing to its market hype, almost all established software vendors are working to introduce AI into their product strategies which is creating considerable Read More

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Source – Estimates suggest that the United States wastes more than $1 trillion each yearon health care (one-third of all health care spending). This waste includes over-treatment, seeing multiple doctors unnecessarily, care delivery failure and lack of care coordination. Unfortunately, health care cost-cutting measures have historically made matters worse in the United States, often cutting back Read More

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Source – Google Analytics now has the same natural language processing technology available in other Google apps such as Photos and Search, the Internet giant announced on Tuesday. That means you can now ask questions in plain English, which gets you answers quicker than before. Depending on the question you ask, you will be presented with a number, Read More

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Source – Machine learning isn’t new to the enterprise, but technological advances and accelerating investments have made it available to the average entrepreneur. In fact, according to a recent Forrester survey, machine-learning investments are increasing 300 percent this year compared to last year. Already, machine learning has made its mark in areas like self-driving cars, personalized-content Read More

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Source – In 2016, KPMG reportedthat many organisations were struggling to keep pace with changing customer behaviour, globalization, regulatory policies and disruptive technologies. The report further noted that senior executives across the globe did not consider their organisations capable of responding effectively and driving the transformational changes. However, with time, big data is going to be Read More

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Source:- In recent months you’d be forgiven for thinking that media buying as a discipline is going to hell in a handcart, with Google itself being the latest to suffer the slings and arrows of programmatic media buying’s outrageous fortune. But instead of viewing recent events as some kind of advertising apocalypse, we should Read More

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Source:- A recent artificial intelligence (AI) experiment Google conducted in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) showed that it’s possible to get far better image recognition results simply by feeding algorithms a lot more data, according to a Wired report. Google released a new paper last week outlining the principles behind the experiment. Machine Read More

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Artificial Intelligence

Source:- From personal assistants like Siri, to movie suggestions on Netflix, artificial intelligence (NYSE:AI) is rapidly becoming ubiquitous in everyday life. As this technology continues to advance in capability and prevalence, we sought to explore AI and several closely related subtopics: machine leaning, deep learning, and neural networks. What are the Differences between Artificial Read More

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Source – Deep learning is a new method of artificial intelligence that is an active, fast-moving area of research where we can expect advances to become market-ready over the next several years. Unfortunately, market hype has turned deep learning into a buzzword that can contribute to the misconception that other approaches to AI are not relevant. Read More

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Source – Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionise our lives, drive our cars, diagnose our health problems, and lead us into a new future where thinking machines do things that we’re yet to imagine. Or does it? Not everyone agrees. Even billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, who admits he has access to some of the most Read More

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Source – Over the decades, the monolithic, tiered approach to building software has given way to a more distributed, component-based architecture commonly referred to as “microservices,” although some components aren’t “micro” at all. Separating out an app’s services into isolated, interoperable containers has revolutionized the way developers are able to update, add to, or expand parts of an app. Read More

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Source – Artificial intelligence has been a mainstream science-fiction dream ever since the release of “2001: A Space Odyssey.” In 2017, the tech industry has proven that this technology isn’t a fantasy, but a concept that is driving modern innovation. Today, there are four revolutionary changes being made possible by modern AI algorithms. Natural Language Chatbots Read More

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Source – Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are not just tools for streamlining customer engagement. They represent an opportunity for companies to completely rethink how they build context around each individual, ultimately creating a better experience and a more loyal customer. By tapping into the potential of these new technologies, brands can cost-effectively enable and Read More

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Source – Artificial Intelligence will have a profound impact on the IT industry. The Machine Learning algorithms and models that bring AI to the forefront get only better with data. If these algorithms can learn from existing medical reports, and help doctors with diagnosis, the same can be used to improve IT operations. After all, Read More

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Source – In recent years, the world saw how #Artificial Intelligence (#AI) developed and evolved into a very useful tool in different fields of sciences. AI became the latest technological catchphrase that could bring existential risks and impacts on the society.  The evolution of AI technology has long been depicted in many science-fiction Hollywood films such as “The Matrix” and “Terminator.” Read More

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Source – Will artificial intelligence make humans superfluous? As an artificial intelligence researcher, I often come across the idea that many people are afraid of what AI might bring. It’s perhaps unsurprising, given both history and the entertainment industry, that we might be afraid of a cybernetic takeover that forces us to live locked away, “Matrix”-like, as some sort Read More

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Source – loud computing leaders (AMZN), Microsoft (MSFT) and Google, along with internet giants, have the inside track in monetizing artificial intelligence technology, a Mizuho Securities report says, but enterprise software providers also will grab a piece of the action. At a basic level, artificial intelligence is the use of computer algorithms to attempt to replicate the human Read More

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Artificial Intelligence