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In PHP, Operators are special symbols that are used to perform operations on variables and values.

PHP has various types of operators-

  1. Arithmetic operator
  2. Comparison operator
  3. Logical operator
  4. Assignment operator
  5. Increment and Decrement operator
  6. Bitwise operator

Arithmetic operator in PHP:

Arithmetic operators Example like: +, -, *, /, % (modulus), ** (exponentiation)

+Addition$a + $bSum of operands
Subtraction$a – $bDifference of operands
*Multiplication$a * $bProduct of operands
/Division$a / $bQuotient of operands
%Modulus$a % $bRemainder of operands
**Exponentiation$a ** $b$a raised to the power $b

Assignment operator in PHP:

Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, .= (concatenation assignment)

=Assign$a = $bThe value of right operand is assigned to the left operand.
+=Add then Assign$a += $bAddition same as $a = $a + $b
-=Subtract then Assign$a -= $bSubtraction same as $a = $a – $b
*=Multiply then Assign$a *= $bMultiplication same as $a = $a * $b
/=Divide then Assign
$a /= $bFind quotient same as $a = $a / $b
%=Divide then Assign
$a %= $bFind remainder same as $a = $a % $b

Comparison operators:

Comparison operators: ==, === (identical), !=, !== (not identical), <, >, <=, >=

==Equal$a == $bReturn TRUE if $a is equal to $b
===Identical$a === $bReturn TRUE if $a is equal to $b, and they are of same data type
!==Not identical$a !== $bReturn TRUE if $a is not equal to $b, and they are not of same data type
!=Not equal$a != $bReturn TRUE if $a is not equal to $b
<>Not equal$a <> $bReturn TRUE if $a is not equal to $b
<Less than$a < $bReturn TRUE if $a is less than $b
>Greater than$a > $bReturn TRUE if $a is greater than $b
<=Less than or equal to$a <= $bReturn TRUE if $a is less than or equal $b
>=Greater than or equal to$a >= $bReturn TRUE if $a is greater than or equal $b
<=>Spaceship$a <=>$bReturn -1 if $a is less than $b
Return 0 if $a is equal $b
Return 1 if $a is greater than $b

Logical operator:

Logical operators: && (and), || (or), ! (not)

andAnd$a and $bReturn TRUE if both $a and $b are true
OrOr$a or $bReturn TRUE if either $a or $b is true
xorXor$a xor $bReturn TRUE if either $ or $b is true but not both
!Not! $aReturn TRUE if $a is not true
&&And$a && $bReturn TRUE if either $a and $b are true
||Or$a || $bReturn TRUE if either $a or $b is true

Increment and Decrement operator:

Increment/Decrement operators: ++ (increment), — (decrement)

Post-Increment$x- –    
Post-decrement$x- –

Bitwise operator:

Bitwise operators: & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), ~ (not), << (left shift), >> (right shift)

&And$a & $bBits that are 1 in both $a and $b are set to 1, otherwise 0.
|Or (Inclusive or)$a | $bBits that are 1 in either $a or $b are set to 1
^Xor (Exclusive or)$a ^ $bBits that are 1 in either $a or $b are set to 0.
~Not~$aBits that are 1 set to 0 and bits that are 0 are set to 1
<<Shift left$a << $bLeft shift the bits of operand $a $b steps
>>Shift right$a >> $bRight shift the bits of $a operand by $b number of places

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