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Step-by-Step Guide: Installing WordPress on Windows 10 for Beginners

Installing and setting up WordPress on a Windows 10 machine involves several steps, including setting up a local server environment, downloading WordPress, and configuring it. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Install a Local Server Environment

To run WordPress locally, you need to install a local server environment such as XAMPP or WampServer. These packages include Apache (the web server), MySQL (the database), and PHP.

1. Download XAMPP

2. Install XAMPP

  • Run the installer and follow the prompts.
  • During the setup, select the components you need (ensure Apache, MySQL, and PHP are selected).
  • Choose the installation directory (default is usually fine).
  • Complete the installation.

3. Start Apache and MySQL

  • Open the XAMPP Control Panel.
  • Start Apache and MySQL by clicking the “Start” buttons next to them.

Step 2: Download and Set Up WordPress

1. Download WordPress

2. Extract WordPress

  • Extract the downloaded WordPress zip file to a folder.
  • Move the extracted WordPress folder to the htdocs directory of your XAMPP installation (usually located at C:\xampp\htdocs).

Step 3: Create a Database for WordPress

1. Open phpMyAdmin

2. Create a New Database

  • Click on “Databases” in the top menu.
  • Enter a name for your database (e.g., wordpress).
  • Click “Create”.

Step 4: Configure WordPress

1. Begin WordPress Installation

2. Set Up Configuration

  • Select your language and click “Continue”.
  • Click “Let’s go!” on the next page.

3. Enter Database Details

  • Database Name: wordpress (or whatever you named your database).
  • Username: root (default MySQL user in XAMPP).
  • Password: leave blank (default for root in XAMPP).
  • Database Host: localhost.
  • Table Prefix: wp_ (default, can be changed if desired).

4. Run the Installation

  • Click “Submit”, then click “Run the installation”.

5. Complete the Setup

  • Enter your site title, desired username, password, and email address.
  • Click “Install WordPress”.

Step 5: Log In to WordPress

1. Access the Login Page

2. Log In

  • Enter the username and password you set during the installation.
  • Click “Log In”.

Additional Tips

  • Permalinks: To enable pretty permalinks, go to Settings > Permalinks in the WordPress dashboard and select your preferred structure.
  • Plugins and Themes: You can install plugins and themes to enhance your local WordPress site just like you would on a live site.

By following these steps, you’ll have a fully functional WordPress installation running locally on your Windows 10 machine, which is great for development and testing purposes.

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