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Top 50 Linux Commands for Administrator?

Linux commands cover a variety of tasks, from system monitoring to file management and user administration. Here’s a list of 50 Linux commands that are commonly used by administrators.

S.No.Linux CommandUse of these command
1. pwdPrint current working directory.
2. lsList directory contents.
3. cdChange directory.
4. cpCopy files or directories.
5.mvMove or rename files or directories.
6.rmRemove/delete files or directories.
7.mkdirCreate a new directory.
8.rmdirRemove an empty directory.
9.touchCreate an empty file or update the access/modification time.
10.catDisplay the contents of a file.
11.lessView file contents one screen at a time.
12.grepSearch for a pattern in files.
13.findSearch for files and directories.
14.chmodChange file permissions.
15.chownChange file owner and group.
16.psDisplay information about running processes.
17.topDisplay and update sorted information about system processes.
18.killTerminate a process.
19.killallKill processes by name.
20.dfDisplay disk space usage.
21.duShow disk usage of files and directories.
22.freeDisplay amount of free and used memory in the system.
23.unamePrint system information.
24.ifconfigConfigure network interfaces.
25.pingTest network connectivity.
26.tracerouteTrace the route that packets take to reach a network host.
27.netstatDisplay network connections, routing tables, and more.
28.routeShow and manipulate the IP routing table.
29.iwconfigConfigure wireless network interfaces.
30.hostnameShow or set the system’s host name.
31.dateDisplay or set the system date and time.
32.calDisplay a calendar.
33.tarArchive files.
34.gzipCompress or decompress files.
35.wgetDownload files from the internet.
36.sshConnect to a remote server securely.
37.scpCopy files between machines over SSH.
38.rsyncSynchronize files and directories.
39.passwdChange user password.
40.useraddCreate a new user.
41.userdelDelete a user account.
42.groupaddCreate a new group.
43.groupdelDelete a group.
44.visudoEdit the sudoers file safely.
45.serviceControl system services.
46.systemctlControl the systemd system and service manager.
47.journalctlQuery and display messages from the journal.
48.chkconfigUpdate and query runlevel information for system services.
49.lsofList open files and processes that opened them.
50.historyDisplay command history.

These commands cover a wide range of tasks and are essential for Linux administrators. Always make sure you understand the commands and their implications before using them, especially those that involve system changes.

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