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Here are the Movies on Data Science One Must Watch

Data science and machine learning are strong technologies that are changing the world in manners that sometimes appear to be right out of a science fiction picture. Today’s robots are capable of not just performing mundane jobs, but also of performing difficult calculations to determine how to design a course for a rocket to follow or generating weather predictions based on past data.

What better medium to investigate the enigmas of data science and machine learning than movies?

Ex Machina

The title is derived from the Latin phrase “deus ex machina,” which means “god from a machine.” Caleb, a developer for one of the global highest internet firms, is chosen to take part in the century’s greatest experiment in the film. What part does he play? To create an artificial intelligence system from the ground up utilising personal information obtained from social networking sites. This film explores humanity’s privacy rights while also demonstrating the potential of machine learning and natural language analysis.

Minority Report

In most cases, current data is utilised to extrapolate additional knowledge, but this is not the case in “Minority Report.” Instead, PreCogs, a group of people with psychic powers, supply the police with information on who, where, and when crimes occur, as well as their perpetrators. The PreCrime police unit will use training trends to pin down the finer elements of a crime in an attempt to prevent it, using graphical data and information supplied by these PreCogs. The value of data science is emphasised as a result of this.


The fact is that science is not by nature an “evil” instrument; rather, it may be moulded to the desires of its users. The film “21” delves into the arithmetic and physics of card counting as well as Las Vegas casinos. The film recounts the actual tale of how six MIT students were capable of taking Nevada casinos for millions of dollars using cryptic talk, hand gestures, and a sharp eye.

The Imitation Game

Alan Turing, often regarded as the “Father of Modern Computer Science,” is credited with “cracking the conundrum” as a mathematician. The Enigma was a major element of the Nazi tactic to safely hide essential information in plain sight, and it has been used by the Germans to encrypt their transmissions. Turing devised a rudimentary computer that could examine all possible permutations at a quicker rate than any person. This aided the Allied troops in securing victory. In reality, this film not only tells the tale of Turing’s thinking, but also recounts the process of constructing the first computer of its sort, giving birth to not just programming and machine creation, but also encryption and cybersecurity.


As “Moneyball” demonstrates, predictive analysis is extremely powerful. Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics, must find a method to recruit fresh players on a limited budget in order to construct a successful club. He accomplishes this through the use of computer-generated past data analysis and predictive modelling, resulting in the creation of a champion baseball club with little to no further financial help.

Margin Call

There is no such thing as a technological bubble. Thousands of diverse elements influence and are influenced by it, which may be harmful, especially when technological flaws and problems emerge. In “Margin Call,” the degree of technology’s effect on our lives is examined in further depth. Junior risk analysts discover that a flaw in the modelling techniques they employ has led to their investment business investing in the wrong items and ending up on the verge of the financial calamity in the initial stages of the financial crisis of 2008. What appears to be a little blunder can have far-reaching consequences for millions of people and this isn’t limited to financial experts. An economic catastrophe like this, which is created by the wrongdoings of both human and machine employees, can have far-reaching consequences for ordinary people.

A Beautiful Mind

The Oscar-winning film “A Beautiful Mind” is well known for its portrayal of John Nash, an economist Nobel laureate. His ground-breaking work on game theory transformed the field of economics by introducing a novel technique of utilising mathematics to analyse complex interplay between zero-sum games. Despite the fact that Nash himself struggled from Schizophrenia before his historic exploration of odd hallucinations during his life, up until his death in 2015, his work has been widely utilised in the computer science field, among others, radically altering the game.

I, Robot

A cop is dispatched to investigate a crime suspected to have been committed by a robot in the year 2035, a circumstance that might pose an even greater threat to mankind. This computing system, known as VIKI, or Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence, utilises data collected from all over the world as well as its own terrifying computational powers to consider taking over the world’s robots only to be stopped by a technophobic police officer and an accommodating robot he meets along the way. The scary potential of computers taking control gets dangerously close to becoming a reality, offering the viewer a look into this terrifying scenario.


Some people’s fantasy, or perhaps dread, is to fall in love with a robot. In the film “Her,” a solitary writer has a genuine bond with his new operating system, which is tailored to his every need. This sophisticated operating system is able to learn and change via experiences by incorporating the characteristics of the programmers that contributed to its development. Smart Operating System Samantha, employs predictive analytics and programming, and it is up to the audience to choose if “her” goals and intents are for the good or for the worst.


People have long been captivated by strategy games, especially when they are set in a time of upheaval and conflict. In the film “WarGames,” a young guy enters a top-secret military system through the side door. He plays it seriously, mistaking it for a warfare strategy game, only to nearly ignite World War III. Furthermore, this supercomputer is set up to collect data from all around the world and utilise predictive modelling and simulations to build a “game-like” environment for the young guy to “play.”


Humanity’s use of seemingly cold and uncaring robots to carry out our commands continues to amaze us. Apparently, their films have a sense of mystery and intrigue because of their science-fiction-like attention to today’s ambitions and tomorrow’s reality. In any event, the application of these technologies is a hot issue, and many elements of data science and machine learning are and will continue to be revealed through these films.

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