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Unsupervised-AI developer gains backing from Continental for AD and ADAS development

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AI developer AutoBrains claims to have developed an unsupervised-AI system for the automotive industry, which promises a faster technology trajectory for ADAS and AV system development. Tier 1 supplier Continental is partnering with the company to bring the technology to market.

According to AutoBrains, its unsupervised AI operates in a fundamentally different way from traditional deep learning systems currently used in most ADAS. The company says its process is based on multi-disciplinary research and development that allows the system to independently learn, process and interpret relevant data from the car’s surroundings in real time, leading to perception that operates in much the same way as a human brain.

One of the disruptive technology’s key advantages over traditional deep learning is a reduced reliance on expensive and often error-prone manually labeled training data sets. It is claimed that the unsupervised AI system successfully interprets and navigates unusual driving scenarios and edge cases where traditional supervised learning systems are least reliable.

Reduced reliance on stored data also means the system requires roughly 10 times less computing power than currently available systems and can be produced at lower cost, increasing the accessibility of ADAS across market segments at a time when regulations require more driver assistance capabilities for passenger and commercial vehicles.

“We are thrilled to partner with Continental to bring our revolutionary technology to the market,” said Igal Raichelgauz, CEO of AutoBrains. “Unsupervised AI is backed by more than 200 patents, over a decade of research and development, and a nearly two-year incubation period with Continental, and we are excited to take the next step with Conti as our key partner.”

The potential of the company’s technology has been recognized by Continental, as Frank Petznick, head of the driver assistance systems business unit at Continental, explained: “We are excited to be partnering with AutoBrains to bring to market its advanced and proven AI technology that we believe will disrupt the ADAS and AV marketplace. Historically, AV and ADAS technologies have been limited by their dependence on supervised learning that uses massive labeled training data sets and requires enormous compute power.

“AutoBrains’ AI breaks through those barriers with a different approach that processes relevant signals from the car’s environment in much the same way that human drivers do. This technology boosts performance while saving compute power and energy. With AutoBrains, we intend to push rapidly ahead toward a safer and increasingly autonomous driving experience.”

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