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What is Issue Tracking Systems and How do Issue Tracking Systems Work?


Issue tracking systems are tools that help organizations keep track of problems or issues that arise in their operations. These systems are used to manage and track issues from the time they are reported until they are resolved.

How do Issue Tracking Systems Work?

When an issue is reported, it is entered into the system and assigned to a person or team responsible for resolving it. The system then tracks the progress of the issue, including any updates or changes made to it. Once the issue is resolved, the system will mark it as closed.

Benefits of Using an Issue Tracking System

Using an issue tracking system can provide many benefits to an organization. Some of these benefits include:

  • Improved communication: Issue tracking systems allow for better communication between team members and stakeholders, as everyone can see the status of an issue in real-time.
  • Increased efficiency: By using an issue tracking system, organizations can streamline their processes and resolve issues more quickly.
  • Better accountability: Issue tracking systems help to ensure that issues are assigned to the appropriate person or team and that they are resolved in a timely manner.

Examples of Issue Tracking Systems

There are many different issue tracking systems available, including:

  • Jira: A popular issue tracking system used by many software development teams.
  • Trello: A simple and easy-to-use issue tracking system that is great for small teams.
  • Asana: A project management tool that includes issue tracking functionality.


Issue tracking systems are an important tool for organizations looking to improve their operations and resolve issues more efficiently. By using an issue tracking system, organizations can improve communication, increase efficiency, and ensure better accountability.

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